Siirry suoraan sisältöön

Home page

The tenant council’s website has been created to offer information about us, loan items, rules and instructions. Other information can be found within Facebook and Telegram groups as well as the announcement boards.

Our tenant council consists of tenants from three POAS buildings:

Kärkikuja 2 (Pirkka 1) 

Kärkikuja 6 (Pirkka 2) 

Insinöörinkatu 19 (Pirkka 4) 

Important information & LINKS:

Pirkkojen telegram-chat:  Chat for discussions among the tenants; good for sharing information and ideas for improving the quality of housing.

Board Game-club: Join this group if you are interested in playing different kinds of board games. The playing dates and times are decided within the group. The list of available games is found under loan items.

What does the tenant council do?

Organizes events, such as board game evenings, Pre-Christmas parties and grill evenings, for the tenants

Offers two club rooms for tenants to use: Pirkka 4 can be booked separately while Pirkka 2 can be used without booking

Functions as a contact between tenants and the office of POAS

Acquires and offers several loan items for tenants


How to contact the tenant council?

To contact the whole tenant council you can send an email to You can, for example,  contact us about booking, about loaning items or bring up some improving ideas to our neighborhood.

You can also contact by messaging, telephone numbers  can be found from:

In telegram chat you’ll find the key owners by signs right next to their names. Those who have the mark “ASTMK” means that they are members in the tenant council. If they have more marks – those are keys:

P2 – is a key for loaning items and booking P2 clubroom

P4 – is a key for the rooftop sauna